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Monday, 7 March 2011

Negatives and Positives

Have you ever noticed how it seems to be all the little things that make you smile. The first rays of sun in the spring or the smile on the faces of those who you truly care about. It just makes you smile right? But it's something so insignificantly small it seems all too idiotic for it to make you happy. But maybe it's not. Think about this. Our world is a giant negative, something so negative that small positives begin to make you feel even better than they normally would. But here's another thing. In chemistry, positive and negative are attracted, and the larger one of the two are, the more of the other is needed to fill its chemical structure. So if our world is a giant negative, thousands of these small little positives should be needed to fill it, but with these positives occasionally a negative may already be bonded, so with that good thing we get a negative, but it's dwarfed by the positive so we take no notice of it. But as soon as it hits the earth, the gravity of the negative is finally realised. So in this world of giant negatives, and little positives, with occasional negatives combined, why do we get big positives, like love? That's easy to explain. It's a chain of these lot's of little positives, each one of which representing a small part of that person. A smile, a laugh, their personality. They all add up making us feel great, making that giant negative called earth, bearable to live in.

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